You understand that Our site have all the rights NOT to provide a refund on the following occasions:
1) If Our site completed the order of the client.
2) If Our site have not delivered the services on time but the customer requested a refund 45 days after placing the order.
3) If a Youtube, Twitter, Soundcloud, Instagram, Pinterest policy changes and results in a banning.
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You have the right as a customer to claim a FULL refund on the following occasions:
1) You requested a refund five (5) hours after placing the order
2) Our site have not started delivering the service within 48 hours after you placed the order
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You have the right as a customer to claim a PARTIAL refund on the following occasions:
1) Our site failed to deliver 100% of the services you purchased before the deadline that is indicated on Our site.
You will receive a partial refund for the services that were not delivered. (If you purchased 100 likes and 100,000 fast YouTube views, and on the website or through communication with customer support it was indicated that it will take a total of 5 days. However, in 5 days you have only received 40 likes and 40,000 views on your YouTube video. Then you will receive a partial refund of 60% since 40% of the services have already been delivered).
Our site makes no representations whatsoever about any other web site which you may access through this one or which may link to this Site. When you access a non-Our site web site, please understand that it is independent from Our site, and that Our site has no control over the content on that web site. In addition, a link to a Our site web site does not mean that Our site endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use, of such web site. Nevertheless, Our site has no liability if on a rare occasion any damage is caused to the YouTube accounts of its clients (including suspension and/or ban), and have no obligation of providing a refund on that occasion.
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